Fri, 31/07/2015

Recently Mary attended the Royal Society for the Blind and the Canberra Blind Society (RSB CBS) Overview launch of adaptive technology. The event is an annual expo that demonstrates technology that is specifically designed to enable people who are blind or have low vision to be independent and safe at home, to participate in the work place and in their community, playing an important part in assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision to lead the lives they choose.

The expo showcased lighting and magnifiers, hand-held GPS systems, daisy players, portable note-takers, Braille displays, stand-alone scanning devices, prodigi vision assistants and many more pieces of adaptive technology in their annual showcase.

“It amazes me how technology has come such a long way to where it can now offer some blind and visually impaired people support for interacting with other people and objects, Mary said.

“I encourage all to keep thinking big as you never know whether you come up with the next big thing to assist others,” Mary said.