Sun, 01/07/2007

Melba resident Iris Smith, a former cook in the Queensland Parliament, is the Housing ACT Tenant of the Month for May.

Mrs Smith was presented with the award by local member Mary Porter for her volunteer work with St Vincent de Paul and the Adult Migrant English Program and also for her community involvement.

Speaking at the morning tea to celebrate her award, Mrs Smith recalled how she would often get a call from Lady Flo Bjelke Petersen to say that Sir Joh was having guests for morning or afternoon tea.

"The guests asked Lady Flo to serve her famous pumpkin scones and she would ask if I would make them for her," Mrs Smith said.

"They were lovely people who treated their staff very well and Lady Flo would often come to me afterwards and say how much the guests had enjoyed the scones and she would say that they were just as good as the ones that she made".

Mrs Smith came to Canberra four years ago at the insistence of some of her children, following the death of her husband, and quickly became involved in the community as a volunteer.

"I have lived in most states of Australia and I can say that Canberra is certainly a great place to live," she continued.

"I have made many good friends since I came here and it's great to be able to see my children and grandchildren regularly."