Thu, 30/04/2015

Last month Mary joined Joy Burch MLA, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, to turn the first sod to commence the construction of a new co-located Ambulance, Fire and Rescue station at Aranda.

The new station, which will replace two existing stations near the Belconnen Town Centre, is strategically located to better serve the needs and expectations of the community to provide a timely response to emergencies.

“I believe this station and its location will better serve the community in times of emergencies. As much as we hope to never be in such situations, it is good to know our emergency services are better equipped more than ever to ensure our safety, Mary said.

“I was also fortunate to have attended the turning of the sod for the construction of the Joint Charnwood Ambulance, Fire and Rescue station, and it has proved to be a very welcome improvement in services to that community, as will this new station in Aranda.”