Mary is pleased to announce that she has recently added video blogs to her website, which she says she will be able to upload fairly frequently. The blog will explain an aspect of her work to the community.
The new video blogs are in addition to information about Mary’s Mobile Office, details for how to get in touch with Mary, community notices and media releases, all of which are already available on Mary’s website.
“It is important to me, as it should be for all Members of Parliament, to be in constant contact with my constituents. These video blogs are another way for me to share my work in the community with you and hopefully get some feedback,” Mary said.
Videos uploaded so far including a video introducing Mary’s staff, a video describing her work on retirement village legislation and an appeal for volunteers to work with animals currently held at the ACT Government’s Domestic Animal Services.
Mary expects to table the Retirement Village Legislation Bill shortly.
“This legislation is crucial to protecting the rights of older Canberrans and ensuring the continued growth of the retirement village industry in the ACT”, Mary said. For further information regarding this Bill please contact Jack Simpson in Mary’s Office or visit Mary’s website at